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Seeking Alpha 2021-08-13 12:58:34

Marathon Digital stock gains after Q2 earnings beat as hash rate scales up

Marathon Digital (NASDAQ:MARA) stock advances 4.6% in premarket trading after bitcoin miner boosts its bitcoin production rate in Q2 and beyond. "In the second quarter of 2021, we continued to effectively scale our operations by increasing our hash rate 196% sequentially from 0.7 EH/s at the end of the first quarter to approximately 2.09 EH/s by the end of June,” said CEO Fred Thiel. The company produced 654 bitcoins in Q2, bringing 2021 production to 846 newly minted bitcoins. Then in July, Marathon (MARA) produced 442.2 more bitcoins. As of Aug. 12, the company produced 1,441 bitcoins YTD; total amount of bitcoins held increased to 6,378. As of June 30, 2021, the carrying value of Marathon's mined digital assets (comprised solely of bitcoin) was $29.0M, reflecting cumulative impairment charges of $11.7M YTD. Non-GAAP income from operations of $20.1M, or $0.21 per share, increased from $8.3M, or $0.10 per share, in Q1. Q2

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