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NewsBTC 2021-08-21 20:00:17

Investing In Cryptocurrency? Know About The Types Of Exchange Fees

Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms where you can trade (buy and sell) between cryptocurrencies based on their actual market price. In order to come up with a valuation for a cryptocurrency, investors and market participants determine the demand and supply. This is a similar concept to a stock exchange where shares of companies are bought or sold. By using a cryptocurrency exchange a person can buy a cryptocurrency and sell it when the price rises to mark a profit. The key is entering and exiting a market at the right time. And just like traditional stock exchanges, crypto exchanges, too, involve transaction charges that are levied on trades done by a trader. In this article, we will cover the types of fees charged by exchanges which are important for investors to understand. There are in general three types of transaction fees involved in the trading of cryptocurrencies. Investors are advised to know about them. Exchange fees This is the first type of fee an investor needs to be aware of when using exchanges. The exchange fee is the amount charged by an exchange in order to complete a user’s buy or sell order. Though most exchanges have a fixed fee, a smart investor must do his own research regarding exchanges that charge the lowest so as to save on the final cost of a transaction. Another aspect of crypto exchange fees is the Maker-Taker fee model. In this model, the Maker is the trader who provides liquidity...

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