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Cryptopolitan 2021-08-23 17:55:00

Circle’s stablecoin USD Coin changes from dollar-pegged to just U.S. Treasury bonds and cash

TL;DR Breakdown • USD Coin ranks second among the most used stablecoins in the world.• Tether has a low percentage of cash deposits which alerts investors. Circle’s USD Coin was a dollar-backed stablecoin. Last month Circle announced that the dollar no longer backed its currency because cash was only 60 percent of the currency’s capitals. The other 40 percent is backed by different bonds and debt securities. How a stablecoin is constituted is very important and what differentiates it from other crypto is that they are linked to a currency such as the Euro and the Dollar. This is because people want to evade volatility with cryptocurrencies like BTC, Ether, and other cryptos. Circle changes the makeup of USD Coin Circle announces that changes the makeup of USD Coins for a second time. This change will be for cash and rewards from the U.S. Treasury bonds. Coinbase and Centre, the company created by Circle announced the changes late Sunday. The Circle consortium said that they know the views on USD Coin exchanges within the public. The company indicates that the goal is to improve security and trust while the regulatory scheme evolves. Coinbase and Center officially announce that the USDC deposit will be cash, and the U.S. Treasury bonds rewards will be short-lived. These enhancements are being applied rapidly and could show progress in future authorizations from the accounting firm Grant Thornton. Why is the USDC c...

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