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Cryptopolitan 2021-08-27 13:03:42

Axie Infinity Price Analysis: AXS continues to consolidate around $70, set to slowly retrace today?

TL;DR Breakdown Axie Infinity price analysis is bearish for today.AXS/USD consolidated yesterday.AXS rallied earlier today to $72. Axie Infinity price analysis indicates bearish momentum to follow later today as another lower high was set earlier today after a consolidation yesterday. Therefore, we expect AXS/USD to reverse and retest the $68 support again later today. Cryptocurrency heat map. Source: Coin360 The overall market traded in the green over the last 24 hours, with Bitcoin increasing by 1.06 percent. Ethereum has gained 2.27 percent, while Solana (SOL) is among the best performers, with a gain of 21 percent. Axie Infinity price movement in the last 24 hours: Axie Infinity moves above the $70 mark again AXS/USD traded in a range of $68.05 – $72.59, indicating strong volatility over the last 24 hours. Trading volume has decreased by 18.88 percent and totals $594 billion. Meanwhile, the total market cap trades around $4.36 billion, ranking the coin in 33rd place overall. AXS/USD 4-hour chart: AXS set to move lower? On the 4-hour chart, we can see a brief rally for Axie Infinity price, which should lead towards another test of the $68 support later today. AXS/USD 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView Axie Infinity price action has seen a substantial increase over the past weeks. After rallying more than 250 percent in July, AXS/USD moved sideways during the first week of August. However, on the 10th of August, an...

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