EXMO is a British cryptocurrency exchange. The platform was established in 2014 and is constantly expanding its functionality, adding new assets to the listing, and, most importantly, increasing the number of customers. More than six years of operation without data leaks and hacks, flexible commissions, and fast technical support. EXMO exchange is registered in London, with offices in London, Moscow, and Kyiv, and employs a project team of 150+ people. Fast deposits and withdrawals - Funds will be credited to your account right after making a deposit. Withdrawals are quick and are executed automatically. Security - SSL, 2 factor authentication, Trusted IP, Encrypted system in cold wallets. User-Friendly - Interface Straight-forward interface allows you to easily and comfortably work from your wallet, to trade, exchange, make transactions, and store your cryptocurrency. Exmo exchange native coin is Exmo Coin (EXM). Telegram | Facebook | Medium | Youtube | Instagram.
For full Exmo fee information, <a href="https://exmo.com/en/wallet/commissions" target="_blank">please click here</a>.
Address: EXMO EXCHANGE LTD. 2 Kingdom Street, London Contact: support@exmo.com Media: pr@exmo.com Commercial offers: finance@exmo.com Tel: +44 2038086679 (UK) Tel: +34 932204009 (Spain) Tel: +55 6135500749 (Brazil) Tel: +7 495 651 6581 (Russia) Tel: +380 443934841 (Ukraine) Available: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm (server time)
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