Cryptopolitan 2021-08-20 14:23:07

Merge-mine Jax.Network for a higher ROI

The Jax.Network blockchain is a unique blockchain solution governed by two native digital crypto coins, JAX and JAXNET (JXN). The two coins offer different utilities, but they work together to ensure that the Jax.Network blockchain operates accordingly and functions properly.  When solving the inherent scalability and stability issues faced by blockchain projects, Jax.Network used a rather unconventional approach that involves using two digital coins governing the network. This article unravels the details of how both of these coins are mined, the Jax.Network blockchain reward system and minting and mining mechanisms involved.  The Jax.Network blockchain reward system The Jax.Network platform employs a unique reward system that ensures optimum balance within the network. The reward system is designed in a way that it allocates the coins by considering the overall amount of computing power contributed by miners to the Jax.Network platform. In essence, the Jax.Network reward function operates by issuing out the coins proportionally.  Say, for example, miner X contributes 200 units of hash power to Jax.Network, the network will issue the miner 200 JAX coins. This function is called the JAX coin reward function. It operates only on the shard chains, where JAX coins are mined, and it is the main reason that keeps JAX coin’s value pegged to the cost of hashrate, and thus relatively stable.  Miners on the Jax.Net...

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