NewsBTC 2021-07-29 16:27:09

PERI Finance is Launching on BSC Mainnet with 1025% APY on Staking

29 July 2021: PERI Finance is launching on BSC Mainnet With 1025% APY on Staking and an aim to launch a whole Dapp ecosystem and leverage staking rewards to become a popular choice. Once all the tests are completed PERI Finance will officially open Staking dApp at BSC main net, allowing the BEP20 PERI holders to stake their PERI at staking dApp to receive the staking rewards. PERI Finance is a decentralized cross-chain synthetic issuance and derivative exchange protocol that provides unlimited liquidity on the Polkadot network. It gives an opportunity to access a wide range of both traditional financial and crypto assets in the form of leveraged and non-leveraged synthetic products. The platform offers a lower GAS fee, speedy transactions, and ample security from front-running or flash loan. PERI is all set to launch on Binance Smart Chain(BSC) with tons of staking opportunities and one of the highest yield reward APY. Binance Smart Chain is the true winner of this bull season as its popularity skyrocketed to new highs, even overshadowing the Ethereum network in terms of transaction volume. The smart chain became an obvious choice for ERC-20 traders and Defi operators at the peak of the Ethereum gas fee problem. BSC offered the same functionalities with a faster transaction processing rate and a much cheaper gas fee. BSC has become a popular choice for Defi and Dapp developers as it is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Mach...

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