NewsBTC 2021-08-04 00:48:35

Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin Spotted With Hollywood Celebrities

Ashton Kutcher recently released a video on Twitter featuring an in-depth explanation about Ethereum from the horse’s mouth. The discussion in the video is between Kutcher, his wife Mila Kunis, and Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum. Ashton is a venture capitalist and also an actor. His wife Mila Kunis is also an actress, and the couple has been active in crypto investment for the past eight years. According to a report about their participation, Mila once thought that bitcoin investment was simply horrible. But after a few years of using crypto, the actress said she was happy to be wrong. Related Reading | Commercial Paper Reserves Of Tether Under Heavy Regulatory Scrutiny From what we gathered, the video aims to educate newcomers about Ethereum cryptocurrency. When the video started, we could see Kutcher asking Kunis to explain some basics of crypto and its underlying blockchain technology. Mila Kunis offered a short definition of both blockchain, crypto, and decentralization. Afterward, Kutcher asked Buterin, who was sitting at the right side of the table, to describe Ethereum. Then the Ethereum founder started to explain the crypto in an all-encompassing manner. ETH has been on an uptrend journey for the past week but now it's in the red zone as BTC falls | Source: ETHUSD on He started from the fundamental components and mentioned the differences between the smart contracts protocol an...

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