Cryptopolitan 2021-08-16 18:45:27

Cryptocurrency adoption: President Alberto Fernandez is open to crypto

TL;DR Breakdown • Argentine president to create a project for cryptocurrency adoption.• The BCRA has a different view on using crypto in Argentina. Argentine president, Alberto Fernandez, declares that he is open to adopting cryptocurrencies. He said there is a great cryptocurrency debate at the national and international levels and knows that this issue must be resolved. He even claims that the crypto market is vague. Fernandez spoke about the cryptocurrency market on the Black Box platform, where he expressed his attraction to the cryptos. The Argentine reporter Julio Leiva spoke with the President about the government crypto plan. In this way, Fernández revealed that his administration is investigating virtual currencies and legalizing them in Argentina. The Argentine president allows for debate on cryptocurrency adoption The Argentine president, who had been indifferent to cryptocurrencies, may have changed his mind and intends to adopt them. Alberto Fernández said in a report that the cryptocurrency market should be studied with caution by people unaware of it, including himself. Some enthusiasts have no idea where the tokens gain value, and all those doubts need to be addressed. The journalist in the debate with Fernández insisted on asking him if he had plans to enter into cryptocurrency adoption like other Latin American countries. The reporter supports his question with the actions recently taken by El Salvador. Fer...

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