Cryptopolitan 2021-08-16 17:50:00

London court orders Binance to identify hackers

TL;DR Breakdown • UK authorities order Binance to monitor and track crypto hackers.• The court in the UK has accepted requests from to identify crypto hackers. This Monday, a UK court judge accepted requests for Binance to locate cryptocurrency hackers, which was brought forward by the company. Binance is the most used crypto exchange platform globally, allowing the trading of over 100 digital assets. The London court ordered the crypto hackers’ accounts to be frozen after a theft victim reported a loss of over $2.6 million. Binance will track down crypto scammers and hackers These requests were made by, an artificial intelligence company, and were accepted by the London court. Binance will need to track, monitor, and identify crypto hackers and seize all of their funds. Although this is regarded as a little complaint, it is a public complaint that directly involves the exchange platform and is the opportunity for the British judicial system to prove its security on cryptocurrency fraud. This crypto platform has a corporately opaque structure and has had to face an intense regulatory process. Digital currencies face worldwide repression because they can be used to launder money and finance terrorism. There is concern these exchanges allow users to steal and scam people. A spokesperson for the exchange platform has commented that they are giving every help necessary to to recover the ...

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