Cryptopolitan 2021-08-17 20:23:00

Alibaba launches NFT auction for game developers and artists

TL;DR Breakdown • NFT adoption increases in China while Beijing bans cryptocurrency trading.• Alibaba could increase the adoption of the non-fungible tokens after the September auction. The e-commerce, Alibaba Group, opened its market for NFT trading with an auction. The successful company has created a platform for musicians, software developers, writers, and artists to endeavor to sell their non-fungible tokens. These auction website developers have used various non-fungible tokens within the service. The auctions will start in September, although there is no specific date for the big event in Asia. The auctions will start with a minimum price of 100 yuan, which would correspond to about $15. Individuals who want to engage in the auction must deposit at least 500 yuan ($77). Alibaba Group takes advantage of the NFT trend Unsurprisingly, China’s largest store, Alibaba Group, has taken advantage of the NFT boom in art and other global trends. These non-fungible tokens are backed by Blockchain technology and there is an exclusivity of virtual art pieces. NFTs made a comeback after their adoption was in a stalemate earlier in the summer. The non-fungible token trading volume has increased in recent days. The auction will feature a unique piece of the Sichuan monument. In the same way, the host will present the paintings focused on Star Wars and favorite video games such as Grand Theft Auto and Wasteland 2. According to t...

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