Cryptopolitan 2021-08-17 19:39:00

Romania’s "King of the Roma” creates Gipsycoin cryptocurrency

TL;DR Breakdown • Gipsycoin was launched in early August with a base price of $0.00001.• Romania could increase cryptocurrency adoption at the enterprise level. The “King of the Roma” Daniel Cioaba announced that he has launched a cryptocurrency under the name of Gipsycoin. The Romanian businessman has good aspirations in the cryptocurrency market and undoubtedly wants to integrate them into the country. Cioaba hopes that the token created a few weeks ago will bridge fund transfers between Romanian communities globally. The businessman has claimed that the token would become a means of payment between entrepreneurs and crypto enthusiasts in Romania. Crypto investor in Romania talks up new crypto project Cioaba created his website to show the crypto plan and the objectives he hopes to meet in the country. The Gipsycoin project also aims to address other issues in Romania, such as extreme poverty with charities. Gipsycoin will give 2 percent of its market capitalization to the worst affected Romanian communities. The token will also finance educational projects for all children in the country. The Gipsycoin website also states that the token will serve as a community currency for educational plans and passive investments. Gipsycoin will be created in the country on the Galvanic Peninsula to benefit citizens. However, the Gipsycoin token will also be used to engage in trades by neighboring countries to Romania. The ...

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