Cryptopolitan 2021-08-18 03:03:51

Blockchain Innovation & Investment Summit 2021

BII SUMMIT, The Blockchain Innovation & Investment Summit, has been running blockchain events since Bitcoin was just under $4,000 and it continues to run events as Bitcoin slowly moves up to $50,000. This has led to incredible amounts of fascination with Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology that created massive demand for networking and education between investors and companies. For this reason, BII SUMMIT was created to be a leader in the Blockchain Event Industry. The next event will be on September 29th 2021 in Dubai, UAE, which is BII SUMMIT’s home. The reason Dubai is such a perfect place to host the event is simply due to the mind blowing speed at which the country adopts new technologies. Moreover, the technology adoption is not only implemented in governments but also used in a way that allows the general public to benefit from it which leads to exponential growth for Dubai’s image as a Smart City World Leader. Dubai will also be holding the Expo2020 which will take place only a few days from BII SUMMIT Sept 29th 2021. The EXPO 2020 will begin on October 1st 2021. BII SUMMIT has been running for 4 years now and it has attracted more than 5000 delegates which consist of government authorities, private family offices, VCs, angel investors and representatives of Fortune 500 companies in the Middle East. The event also has helped Blockchain companies raise Millions of Dollars from investors and gain ...

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