NewsBTC 2021-08-20 18:15:01

Ethereum London Hard Fork: What Went Wrong? Core Devs Review It

Ethereum pushes further into previous highs north of the $3,000. The second cryptocurrency by markets cap recently received a major upgrade, implemented via the “London” Hard Fork. This changed the network’s entire fee model and, according to some experts, has attracted new investors into the market. Thus, the main cryptocurrencies by market cap have seen renew bullish momentum. In a recent call, Ethereum Core developers discussed the hard fork and talked about their priorities for the coming months. Core developer Tim Beiko summarized the main points discussed on the call and the roadmap for the next six months. In a previous post, Beiko said that the hard fork went “smoothly” overall. However, client teams highlighted certain aspects of the pre and post-London process. It is a bit early to make a final call given that we're still early in the merge work itself, but definitely something we will follow up on in the coming weeks/months. — Tim Beiko | timbeiko.eth (@TimBeiko) August 20, 2021 First, the client teams said that the “speed and lack of clear success metric” for the testnet to mainnet deployments have been an issue. Ethereum client teams feel the process is “quick”, “somewhat forced”, and with a lack of agility to react to problems. Thus, they proposed 4 solutions to improve this issue. First, developers and clients should agree on a specific period that a testnet must meet to be declared successful and...

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