Cryptopolitan 2021-08-24 19:27:05

Okcoin announces opening of new Miami office

TL;DR Breakdown • The cryptocurrency company Okcoin has seven locations worldwide and is looking to expand its operations in Miami.• The crypto platform will be the first to trade MiamiCoin for independent companies and investors. One of the world’s most popular cryptocurrency exchanges, Okcoin, has announced that it will open a new office in Miami, Florida. The crypto platform seeks to support the investment community in the city and will take advantage of the crypto boom in the area. The crypto company is supported by ShellHacks, which organizes the largest hackathons in Florida each year. Okcoin wants to hire staff – which have increased in numbers since last year – in over 100 different positions and create internship plans for remote participants in Miami. This new city headquarters in Florida will also be a close point for clients from Latin America who enjoy the service. The magical city is eager for the world-renowned crypto company. Frances Suarez, the mayor of Miami, wants to work with the crypto company to reach new financial plans. With this new office, Miami increases its claim as a potential city for the virtual market. Okcoin arrives in Miami with huge expectations Okcoin CEO Hong Fang clarifies this new headquarters in Miami is part of a strategic expansion that will increase crypto adoptions. The company’s objective is to reach the citizens in Latin America and investors in Miami. Fan...

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