Cryptopolitan 2021-08-25 17:53:00

Afghans face economic crisis amid increased crypto investments

TL;DR Breakdown In Afghanistan, crypto investments have increased in 2021.Afghans invest in crypto to avoid the devaluation of their currency. Afghan crypto investors face an economic crisis in their country even with cryptocurrencies. The country is experiencing significant unrest due to the Taliban takeover, and this has triggered hysteria and fear among its citizens. Cryptocurrency assets will not help investors buy anything right away, but their money will be safe amid economic instability. Crypto investments in Afghanistan have only had a recent boom, but the country has quickly adapted to digital currencies this year. Afghanistan is ranked number 20 in the global crypto adoption index according to Chainalysis 2021. This is a huge improvement since it had not even appeared on the list of over 154 countries in previous years. Afghanistan faces economic crisis Crypto investments in Afghanistan have increased in 2021. Many Afghans invested in digital currencies for fear that the Taliban would take over the country. According to Google Trends data, the word “Bitcoin” and “Crypto” were the most searched in July. This happened a week before the Taliban takeover of Kabul. However, there is no way to know the exact number of searches since the tool does not record real figures. Although crypto investments have increased in the country, there is no definite knowledge about the number of Afghan citizens in...

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