NewsBTC 2021-08-26 18:00:09

How This VeChain Tool Will Aid Enterprises To Reduce Carbon Emissions

The VeChain Foundation recently revealed a new tool that will be used to speed and improve efforts to reduce carbon emissions. This has become a major challenge in China, as the Asian giant prioritizes the reduction of its atmospheric pollution to 0 in the next decades. Called Digital Carbon Footprint SaaS Service, this VeChain-based tool is designed to help companies to change their carbon footprint by improving their data management practices, according to an official post. The Foundation claims that their new tool has combined decentralized ledger technology with a SaaS (Software as a Service) business model. This is how carbon emissions data reported by companies is legitimized and verified. Thus, VeChain and its tool help remove the trust issue in this important area, increase transparency, and improve the collection of data for a supply chain. Later, the data can be used by enterprises to track down the sector on the supply chain that needs to performed better to offset carbon emissions. VeChain’s Digital Carbon Footprint SaaS Service allows enterprise users to log key data and integrate it with world-leading third party assurance providers within VeChain’s partnership network. The VeChain Foundation claims that carbon emissions and responsible corporate social decisions have become a “massive global focus”. This has been increased by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, consumers need tools that provide reliable informatio...

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