NewsBTC 2021-08-27 22:00:53

Cardano: Alonzo Enters Final Stage, Smart Contracts On The Horizon

Cardano moves at full speed towards its final hard fork combinator (HFC) event Alonzo to implement full smart contract capabilities. The community has been keeping a close eye on the latest developments, as AlonzoPurple enters its final test stage. Input-Output Global, the company behind this blockchain and its development, recently disclosed that they submitted an upgrade proposal. This will allow the Cardano testnet to hard fork “into the Alonzo era”. ❗🍴 Today, we have just submitted an upgrade proposal to the #Cardano testnet to hardfork the chain into the #Alonzo era and enable smart contract capability. This will take effect within the next few hours. 1/5@CardanoStiftung @Cardano — Input Output (@InputOutputHK) August 27, 2021 The process has been put into effect and should be completed within the day, IOG claimed. The company referred to this final test stage for HFC Alonzo as a “major milestone”. In addition, IOG said that Cardano has entered a “critical stage” that will take place before the mainnet is forked to implement Plutus, its native smart contract platform. The company confirmed that the final stage for the HFC event Alonzo will be rollout out on September 12th, 2021. Over the days ahead, we’ll be doing final checks and testing within a controlled environment to ensure that we are ready to upgrade the main #Cardano network. And usher in a transformative era of smart contracts capability. Dimitris Poulopo...

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