Cryptopolitan 2021-08-30 10:47:47

Elon Musk supports latest Dogecoin update for reduced fee

TL;DR Breakdown: Elon Musk says the newest Dogecoin update is “important.”The Dogecoin Core 1.14.4 includes bug fixes and performance improvements for the network. The billionaire Dogecoin (DOGE) supporter, Elon Musk, has shown his support for a new update to the Dogecoin network aimed at improving securing and reducing transaction fees. As more nodes upgrade to new releases, Dogecoin will be circulated at a fraction of the current network fee, which probably lowers the barrier for more adoption.  The new Dogecoin update is “important” According to the GitHub page for the newly-released “Dogecoin Core 1.14.4,” this latest release aims at network performance improvement and includes bug fixes. The Dogecoin update introduces a fix to the bug that would cause 1.14 node to “open many parallel requests for headers to its peers,” which consequently reduces the synchronization time by 2.5 times. More interestingly, the new Dogecoin update will reduce the transaction fees on the Dogecoin network, which would enable more adoption for DOGE for payments, especially by businesses. The update “prepares the network for a reduction of the recommended fees by reducing the default fee requirement 1000x for transaction relay and 100x for mining,” the GitHub page reads.  In a tweet, Elon Musk showed he’s in support of this newest version of Dogecoin Core by responding it is ...

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