Cryptopolitan 2021-08-30 17:42:00

Square to launch BTC decentralized exchange

TL;DR Breakdown • Jack Dorsey partners with Mike Brock to boost his BTC decentralized exchange.• The goal of the new cryptocurrency platform is to remove usage limits. Jack Dorsey, one of the most acclaimed entrepreneurs and Twitter CEO, continues to explore the world of cryptocurrencies within his Square company. Square specialized in TDC payment methods and has consistently looked for ways to dive into the crypto market. Now, in a tweet, Dorsey has announced that he plans to launch a BTC decentralized exchange. The Twitter CEO announced that he would build a BTC’s decentralized exchange linked to Square on the social network. Understandably, Dorsey wants to create t his DEX because the entrepreneur has repeatedly shown his appreciation for cryptocurrencies. Dorsey sees that cryptocurrencies have a good future ahead and wants to take advantage of them. BTC’s decentralized exchange goal In July, Dorsey participated in the BTC conference, and he spoke about payment systems and how cryptocurrencies could replace them. At that meeting, Dorsey expressed his love for crypto and interest in the BTC’s decentralized Exchange systems. However, there are many crypto exchanges, so Dorsey has competition. The entrepreneur has teamed up with Mike Brock, the head of the TBD plan, to make his crypto projects successful. Brock, a businessman, believes that Bitcoin is the dominant cryptocurrency on the internet and laments ...

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