Cryptopolitan 2021-08-30 17:16:00

SBI liquidity market partners with smartTrade technologies

TL;DR Breakdown • SBI Liquidity Market expects to trade cryptocurrencies before the end of the year.• SmartTrade aims to expand its operations in Japan with cryptocurrencies. The SmartTrade Technologies company. which stands out in the provision of E-commerce solutions with various digital assets, has created a partnership with the SBI liquidity market, which is recognized for its infrastructure solutions. This partnership between the two companies will allow financial services in Japan to be governed by cryptocurrencies. The e-commerce company will support the financial services platform for them to negotiate in cryptocurrencies. SmartTrade complements currency trading on the SBI Liquidity Market but focuses more on decentralized currencies that have caused a stir in Japan. SBI adopts crypto as payment method Financial services company SBI Liquidity Market in Japan expanded its partnership with SmartTrade. The Japanese company will move its headquarters to Tokyo, where the largest SmartTrade collection center is located to guarantee optimal service. SBI wants to expand its operations and believes that the closer to SmartTrade, the higher its performance. As in several other countries globally, cryptocurrency adoption in Japan has increased by over 100 percent in the last year. SBI Liquidity Market has been working with SmartTrade since 2013, when the company adopted LiquidityFX as its connecting partner. With this partnersh...

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