NewsBTC 2021-09-01 14:47:16

Bitcoin is Back for Crypto Betting

2020 was a huge year for the crypto gambling sector. It was a bad year for the world on the whole, but as more people stayed home and looked for ways to pass the time, online casinos and sportsbooks stepped in. In 2020, we saw more crypto casinos launch than ever before. New crypto games also hit the market every single week—or so it seemed—and things were on the up. The growth continued into 2021 and then hit a roadblock of sorts as Bitcoin reached record highs and then saw its value drop by half. But the growth has restarted in the last month or so and crypto casinos are set for a bumper few months as we approach the final quarter of 2021. The Changes in Bitcoin Gambling Bitcoin payments are faster and safer than many traditional payment options. The currency itself hasn’t changed much over the years, but the way that it is used in casinos has changed a lot. In the early days, it was all about wallet IDs and manual payments. These days, companies like CoinsPaid provide a service that works more like a web wallet. It means that players can keep all their cryptos in a single account and then transfer these into and out of their favourite casino in a few clicks. Cryptocurrency exchanges are also being linked with online casinos, allowing players to connect their exchange like they do a bank account and transfer funds across. The simplicity of these processes is one of the reasons why Bitcoin is growing so quickly as an online c...

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