NewsBTC 2021-09-03 10:31:33

Global Issues & Privateum Solutions

Let’s have a look at the world’s biggest challenges, and how Privateum can be a pioneer in solving them. Privacy Issues ‘’PRIVACY is one area where the market appears to have failed, at least to some extent. Many firms sell personal information without the subject’s knowledge or consent. An increasing number of websites providing notice and to a lesser extent an opt-out. Instead, we have consistently balanced the benefits of privacy protection against the costs of providing it. There are objectives which often conflict with privacy.’’ – Robert E. Litan We have lost sight of what PRIVACY means because we are trapped in a global surveillance society. Securing data in the current information age is one of the biggest concerns across all industries; however, the financial services industry is a primary target as it deals with a significant amount of confidential client and customer data for daily business transactions. Financial service providers are now facing data breach risks not just from internal and external attacks, but also from unintentional mistakes. In the light of current challenges, Privateum has created The First Legally Protected Private Assets Management System, where the members of Privateum ecosystem have their assets and transactions managed on a secure and private network, that is to say, the network is operated under a legal umbrella. Scams and Criminal Activities Freedom comes with responsibilities. Whe...

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