Cryptopolitan 2021-09-03 13:01:18

Breaking: Uniswap Labs is allegedly under probe by US SEC

TL;DR Breakdown: The United States SEC has allegedly launched an investigation into Uniswap Labs, the entity behind the popular Ethereum DEX.The SEC is reportedly seeking to know how investors are using the platform. It doesn’t constitute any accusation of wrongdoings. Uniswap Labs, the development team behind the Uniswap DEX, is reportedly under investigation by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The development today is coming some weeks after the decentralized exchange made some changes to its offerings on the platform. Uniswap Labs under SEC probe The US enforcement agency is seeking to know how investors use the platform and also how it is marketed, according to the report on Friday by the Wall Street Journal, which cited unnamed sources familiar with the matter. Uniswap Labs will comply with the authority, a spokesperson for the company said.  Uniswap Labs is “committed to complying with the laws and regulations governing our industry and to providing information to regulators that will assist them with any inquiry.” It’s worth noting that this is a developing story and doesn’t constitute any accusation of wrongdoings. At the time of writing, the Uniswap token is down by 2.55 percent (24hrs), trading at $29.73 on CoinMarketCap. Is Regulation Coming to DeFi? On July 24, Uniswap Labs delisted several tokens, especially tokenized stocks, from the Uniswap tradi...

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