NewsBTC 2021-09-04 03:59:04

Altcoin Evolution – Part V: The Closing Recap

Throughout the “Altcoin Evolution” series, we have taken a closer look at the potential gains and pitfalls that will define the path forward for cryptocurrencies not named Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH).   The behemoths of the crypto market have clearly set themselves apart from the rest of the pack, and while they may be subject to these potential outcomes, it’s fair to say – at least today – that these cryptos have a completely different perspective than virtually any other crypto or blockchain project.   That being said, what can altcoins do to gain traction and become more competitive on a larger scale? Let’s recap what we’ve covered throughout this series. Sign On The Dotted Line We highlighted a few projects, particularly around the booming NFT space, that have done this quite well. Sign contracts. Find partners. Make connections. As the broader crypto industry continues to assess what altcoins can provide to daily operations, there are sure to be consistent opportunities. Having a foot in the door when these situations arise is almost certainly beneficial.   Arguably the most compelling argument for the evolution of altcoins is to specialize one particular aspect (low gas fees for transactions, speed, etc.), but be capable in a variety of areas. Of course, projects are going to want to maximize value by having technical capabilities across the board that are ahead of t...

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