Cryptopolitan 2021-09-05 19:16:00

Tesla CEO tweets about Entropy coin, creates frenzy

TL;DR Breakdown • The SpaceX and Tesla CEO has supported Entropy coin.• Netizens have gone crazy over Musk’s tweets. Elon Musk wrote on his Twitter account about Entropy coin, and the tweet went viral. When Musk tweeted about the cryptocurrency Dogecoin, it increased 11,000 percent. Netizens and fans have gone crazy over the tweets from the most influential man in the crypto market. Elon Musk is a nationalized Canadian and American tycoon who is the Tesla Motors and SpaceX CEO. Musk recently tweeted: “Time is the ultimate currency.” This phrase led fans to investigate the meaning of his words. These words on Twitter got more than 370,000 likes, and more than 61,000 people retweeted them. Elon Musk talks about Entropy Musk’s tweets always go viral and have influenced people to take an interest in the crypto market. Netizens always take Elon’s comments very seriously. When Musk wrote on his Twitter account about Dogecoin, the cryptocurrency managed to increase by more than 11,000 percent, even though it began as a simple joke. But users did not take it as a joke, and many people started investing in it. Musk has said that Entropy is the only truth, and it must be remembered that the Musk tweets have always caused a furor with fans. He once talked about accepting Bitcoin in exchange for Tesla cars, and the coin increased considerably in a short time. Many business people and entrepreneurs have also...

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