NewsBTC 2021-09-06 05:32:47

Polker.Game Awarded Grant From Polygon Foundation

Polygon’s full-stack scaling solution implemented to improve performance and gameplay & are excited to announce they have been awarded a grant frm the Polygon Foundation. Polygon is the first fully functional full-stack scaling solution on top of Ethereum offering fast transactions and extremely low fees. The grant will be used to further develop the integration of Polygon’s scaling solutions into the Polker.Game platform and to ensure that all smart contracts are fully audited and secure on-chain. The Polygon Foundation will also offer support with the implementation of its network in future development. + Polker.Game & Polygon Polker.Game’s Play-to-Earn NFT poker platform is powered by its native token $PKR. The platform also uses multiple patented and patent-pending protocols developed and available from Two of these are the True Random Number Generator (TRNG) protocol and the Provably Fair Auditable Gameplay protocol – both of these require smart contract interaction. The smart contracts for both protocols were originally designed for the Ethereum network and are written in Solidity code – this is 100% compatible with Polygon. Migration of these smart contracts from the Ethereum mainnet to Polygon’s scaling solution comes with numerous benefits for all parties involved. The fees for interacting with a smart contract using Polygon are still less than $0.01 – ...

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