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Cybersecurity Firm GK8 to Integrate Stellar in its Custody Solutions

Cybersecurity Firm GK8 to Integrate Stellar in its Custody Solutions

Israeli-based cybersecurity outfit, GK8 has inked a mutually beneficial partnership with the Stellar Foundation to integrate the blockchain network’s...

Blockchain security company GK8 announces custody partnership with Stellar

Blockchain security company GK8 announces custody partnership with Stellar

Demand for institutional-grade blockchain solutions is on the rise as banks and traditional financial institutions look to invest in cryptocurrencies....

Ethereum Software Client Geth Issues Hotfix To Tighten Security

Ethereum Software Client Geth Issues Hotfix To Tighten Security

Geth, the most renowned software client of Ethereum, has provided a hotfix to the threatening security challenges in its code. The news was posted on...

Gamification, Profitable Spreads and the Highest Security Standards: the INANOMO Cryptocurrency Exchange Review

Gamification, Profitable Spreads and the Highest Security Standards: the INANOMO Cryptocurrency Exchange Review

An amazing fact: despite the abundance of exchange platforms in the crypto space, a wide range of users still experience difficulties with accessing c...

Cream Finance losses $25 million in another security breach

Cream Finance losses $25 million in another security breach

TL;DR Breakdown Cream Finance has suffered another security breach that drained about $25 million in AMP and ETH.The incident was a result of a &#822...

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