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Bitcoin cash price analysis: Bullish momentum stabilizes, as BCH crosses $782

Bitcoin cash price analysis: Bullish momentum stabilizes, as BCH crosses $782

TL;DR Breakdown Bitcoin cash price analysis reveals price levels are reaching new heights.Coin value has increased up to $783.Strong support is present at $667.3 of level. The Bitcoin cash price anal...

发表于: 2021-09-07

Binance Coin price analysis: Bulls hang onto $498 after gradual bearish push

Binance Coin price analysis: Bulls hang onto $498 after gradual bearish push

TL;DR Breakdown The latest Binance Coin price analysis shows increase in price.Price has improved slightly to reach $498.27.Resistance at $506 is still at a safe height. The Binance Coin price analys...

发表于: 2021-09-07

Cardano price analysis: ADA consolidates above $2.73 amidst all-time high

Cardano price analysis: ADA consolidates above $2.73 amidst all-time high

TL;DR Breakdown Cardano price analysis shows bearish progress.ADA/USD finds resistance at $2.93Support seems to be present at $2.83. The Cardano price analysis reveals ADA/USD is consolidating below...

发表于: 2021-09-07

Polkadot price analysis: DOT meets resistance at $34, will DOT bulls push through?

Polkadot price analysis: DOT meets resistance at $34, will DOT bulls push through?

TL;DR Breakdown The most recent Polkadot price analysis shows a slight correction presently.DOT/USD meets resistance at $34.45DOT trend momentum is still on the bullish side. The Polkadot price analy...

发表于: 2021-09-07

U.S. Senator calls cryptocurrencies the new ‘shadow banks’

U.S. Senator calls cryptocurrencies the new ‘shadow banks’

Global crypto adoption continues to rise. As per a recent Chainalysis Blog– the adoption scale at the end of Q2 2021, grew by over 2300% since Q3 2019 and over 881% in the last year. Mainly, reg...

发表于: 2021-09-07

Gobierno de Bukele compra 200 monedas de bitcoin

Gobierno de Bukele compra 200 monedas de bitcoin

El presidente Nayib Bukele confirmó que su gobierno compró las primeras 400 monedas de bitcoin, operación que rondaría los US$ 20 millones.

发表于: 2021-09-07



24小时 24小时
BTC-USDT 137,955.86 6,540,908,499.29
BTC-USD 25,094.43 1,296,904,324.90
BTC-EUR 6,687.60 291,492,756.45
BTC-AUD 5,433.17 377,519,989.36
BTC-PLN 580.29 112,790,782.03
Dominance Donut

Dominance Donut

Dominance Donut

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